How to Grow Cannabis Outdoors

reviewed by Truman Perkins

One of the best things about growing cannabis outdoors is that you can plant it almost anywhere and it will thrive. Unlike growing cannabis indoors, where you need to create an artificial environment for your plants, outdoor cultivation is much simpler. But there are a few things you need to know in order to get the most out of your outdoor grow. In this blog post, we'll discuss some tips for growing cannabis outdoors successfully. So read on to learn more!

1. Choose the Right Location for Your Cannabis Plants

Choose the Right Location for Your Cannabis Plants
Choose the Right Location for Your Cannabis Plants

If you are new to growing cannabis, then one thing that you should know is that the plant's needs change with some age. That means it can be difficult to find the right location for your plants while they're young and still in their infancy stage. This article will provide a few tips on finding a suitable place for young weed plants. Read on and learn how you can help your plants succeed.

1. Find a place that's well-ventilated. ​

When the plant is still young, it doesn't have to worry much about things like lighting or even water because these are not yet factors at this point. Your main concern should be choosing a location where there's plenty of ventilation. This can be a backyard, balcony or even a doorway that you want to put the plant near.

2. Avoid areas with extreme temperatures.

Extreme heat and cold is not good for young cannabis plants as these tend to stunt their growth. In order to avoid this from happening, stay away from having your plants close to appliances such as a heater or a cooler.

3. Put the young weed plant near a window.

If you have a young cannabis plant, then it will most likely be able to adapt well with strong lighting, especially if it's in close proximity of a window. It is best to place your plants by the eastern side so that they get ample light throughout the day.

4. Keep your plant away from direct sunlight.

A disadvantage to having a young cannabis plant near a window is that it can also be exposed to too much sunlight, which results in stunted growth or even burned leaves. If you are growing your marijuana indoors, then there are basically no concerns with direct sunlight because this would only mean an increase in temperature.

5. Choose a location that's easy to access.

It is not uncommon for beginners to have many questions about their young weed plants, so it's important that you have somewhere near your plant where you can easily access them whenever you need to tend to them. When the time comes for your cannabis babies to be transferred to larger containers, you'll need to move them in a place where they will receive the correct amount of light and water.

By keeping these tips in mind, your young weed plants should be smoothly on their way to growing robustly.

2. Prepare the Soil for Planting Your Cannabis Seeds

Prepare the Soil for Planting Your Cannabis Seeds
Prepare the Soil for Planting Your Cannabis Seeds

The longer a cannabis grow remains in the vegetative stage, the stronger and more developed its root system will become. The stronger a plant's roots are at the beginning of the flowering phase, the more likely it is to have strong yields.

There is no need for regenerating your plants after they have gone through their life cycle since they began as clones or cuttings from a flowering plant. The following is a list of steps that one should take in order to prepare the soil for Planting Your Cannabis Seeds and the root system for harvesting:

1. Stop fertilizing your plants: once you see pistils changing color, switch off all nutrients and only add some pure water every other day so they slowly begin to starve.

2. Allow the weeds to grow until they are 15-20 centimeters or approximately 6 inches high. These will be used as nutrients for your plants once they reach their flowering phase following this technique (see section 2).

3. Water and Fertilize Your Plants Regularly

Water and Fertilize Your Plants Regularly
Water and Fertilize Your Plants Regularly

3. Water them with pure water at least 3 times a day, but make sure you give them enough light to grow.

4. When the plants are about 15-20 centimeters, cut off all of their leaves and branches from the bottom up until you only have the stems holding the flowers [see picture]. This is a well-known technique in order to make sure that all nutrients in your soil go directly towards developing bigger and better flowers. Also by doing this, you are creating a place where worms and fungi can grow easily.

5. Take the cut branches of the weeds that are 15-20 centimeters high and make them into bundles with some thread or any other kind of strong string. Make sure they are tightly packed so that there is absolutely no space left between the weed stalks inside the bundle.

6. Bury these bundles upside down in your soil at least 20 centimeters or 8 inches deep so that the weed stalks are facing downwards and the roots are pointing upwards [see picture]. The reason for burying them this way is because you want to create air pockets inside the soil where fungi can grow. We need these fungi to develop strong and healthy root systems for your buds.

7. Water the soil thoroughly to allow it to settle around the weed stalks. Now you can begin watering them with pure water at least 3 times a day so that they are able to soak up all of the nutrients in the soil created by the decaying weed stalks. You will notice after about a week that the soil around them is getting darker and darker, this means that your plants are improving their root systems. Do not touch or disturb them after burying them for about 1-2 weeks.

8. After 1-2 weeks you may begin to see some of the weed stalks beginning to grow again, this is normal. Allow them to do so, but you should also begin to see some white strings growing around the soil. These are the roots of your plants developing. You will notice that they feel harder than before and grow much faster now than ever before because you have supplied them with all of the right nutrients for root development.

9. Once these roots are at least 15-20 centimeters long, cut off the weed stalks that are growing again and bury them just like you did with the others. You can allow your plants to continue this cycle for as long as you desire.

10. Allow 2-3 weeks for your plants roots to grow through one cycle of dying weeds and then re-growing their own. After this time you should have a good set of healthy roots to use as a base for your plant. At this point you can proceed to step 11 and 12, or go directly to step 13 if you want the quickest way possible to grow some beautiful buds.

11. Make sure that your plants are watered at least 3 times a day as before with pure water. However, now you may begin to add some nutrients for developing healthy buds and leaves around the base of your plant as long as it is at a low dosage.

12. Continue with this routine every day until your plants have reached their flowering stage, which can be identified by seeing white hairs on both the top and bottom of the plant. These are called pistils, which are used to reproduce the buds of the plant. Once you see these white hairs, your plants will be able to produce their own nutrients from within themselves and you can stop watering them with pure water.

13. Once your plants have reached their flowering stage after about 3-4 weeks, begin drying out the soil every other day. This will force the plants to produce their own nutrients from within themselves and they will be forced to grow larger buds with the same amount of nutrients that you have been giving them up until now.

14. Once your plants reach a height of around 60 centimeters or 2 feet, you should begin flushing out the soil once every day. Flush the soil by giving them pure water for about 3-5 days or until the water that comes out of the bottom of your pot is clear. This will force out any excess nutrients that are inside of your plants and they can begin producing their own nutrients from within themselves immediately.

4. Harvest Your Cannabis Buds When They're Ready

Harvest Your Cannabis Buds When They're Ready
Harvest Your Cannabis Buds When They're Ready

15. Continue with this routine every time you begin to see the white pistils inside of your buds begin to turn brown and die, which will be every 2-3 weeks. Keep this routine up until you reach the harvesting stage.

16. Once your plants have begun turning brown and dying, this means that they are beginning to harvest themselves naturally. Allow them to do so for about 3-5 days and then cut off all of the dead stalks at their base.

6. Dry and Cure Your Buds for Best Results

17. Now you can begin to cure your plants by first hanging them upside down on some string or wire and allowing them to hang until they are dry enough that you can snap like a twig when you try bending one in half. Once dried, place into a glass jar and store in a cool, dark place for about 5-7 days.

18. After this time, your weed will be cured and you can begin smoking it whenever you would like to. Store it in an airtight container and keep in a cool, dry and dark location and it should stay fresh and good tasting for up to 3 months or more.

Conclusion for Best Ways to Grow Cannabis Outdoors

Outdoor cannabis cultivation is a great way to produce large yields of high-quality bud. If you're looking to get into outdoor cannabis cultivation, follow these tips to make sure your grow is successful. Start by choosing the right location, preparing the soil, and planting your seeds. Make sure you provide enough water and nutrients to your plants, and monitor them closely for signs of pests or disease. When it comes time to harvest, dry and cure your buds properly so they are ready for smoking or vaping. Are you excited to try growing cannabis outdoors? What challenges do you think you will face? Let us know in the comments below.

About Truman Perkins

Truman Perkins is a Detroit-based SEO consultant who's been in the business for over a decade. He got his start helping friends and clients get their websites off the ground, and he continues to do so today. In his free time, Truman enjoys learning and writing about gardening - something he believes is a natural stress reliever. He lives with his wife, Jenny, and their twins in Detroit.

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