reviewed by Christina Lopez
A well-planned garden or lawn consists of a myriad of options. Ranging from plants that produce vibrant coloured flowers to attract bees and butterflies, to plants that produce juicy fruits or berries. However, everybody's main attraction is the plants that blossom all year round (365 days).
Plants are incredibly beneficial to the earth and all living beings. Plants utilize their leaves to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which humans and other animals require to breathe. Plants also aid in the purification of water. Houseplants are beneficial to your health in contrast to their aesthetic value.
Plants can also be a source of pleasure in your home or workplace. Indoor gardening reduces depression, increases innovation, efficiency, and concentration, and aids in the recovery process. According to some researches, Houseplants can also improve the air quality in your home. Interior plants have also been proven to increase focus and efficiency, making them ideal for your home and workplace. Indoor plants are beneficial and attractive and are ideal for gardens.
Growing these indoor plants involves a myriad of options. Ranging from plants that produce vibrant colored flowers to attract bees and butterflies to plants that produce juicy fruits and berries. There's nothing that can beat a garden with beautiful flowers and plants. You can grow flowering plants that bloom all year round (365 days); call it a bonus point. They are colorful, climate-resistant, and blossoms in a rainbow of colors, making your garden a visual pleasure!
Flowers from various regions are recognized for their diversity and characteristics. India is also known for its vibrant flowers. India provides thousands of flowering plants due to its varied climates and colossal area. Kashmir, Kanyakumari, Ladakh, and Sri Ganganagar have some of India's most exquisite and vibrant flowers. Flowers in India are not only beautiful, but they also carry religious and cultural significance. They use flowers to decorate their cultural and religious activities, a token of their love and affection for their gods. Apart from sprint and summer, these beautiful flowers are found throughout the year in India.
Here is a guide to the best Indian flowering plants, so let's dive into the information and determine which one will suit you the best for your garden.
Cranesbills, also known as hardy geraniums, are perennial species of the Geraniaceae family. This beautiful plant is easy to grow and can thrive in almost any soil. It blooms a perfect blue shade with a whitish-pink tap. It favors dark, moist, humus-rich soil that is slightly moist and drains well - not soggy or heavily saturated. Cranesbills prefer the light shade provided by high treetops and will do well in areas with part shading or full morning sun. Once grown, they need minimum care and regular watering.
Ajuga is also known as bugleweed. If you're looking for something enticing to fill your garden, you won't regret having ajuga (Ajuga reptans). This leafy plant quickly grows in empty spaces, smothering plants and providing magnificent flowers and blooms. It's also useful for preventing erosion. Ajuga is usually grown in bluish to purple color, but they can also be found in white.
When positioned in strategic locations, Ajuga proliferates and provides the mat-forming capacity to give immediate exposure with only a few plants. Planting ajuga flowers in a semi-sunny place is a safe way to keep this flower in bounds.
Ajuga is commonly grown in shade areas, but it will flourish in the sun, although more slowly, making it much easier to manage. The plant prefers moist soil, but it is surprisingly adaptable and can even withstand a little drought.
Roses are fragrant flowers that come in an array of colors. The Indian climate is ideal for growing roses all year. You can plant various roses, for instance, Rugosas, pink roses, yellow roses, hybrid musk roses, flower carpet roses, desi roses and Kashmiri rose, etc. Desi rose and Kashmiri rose mostly blooms all year round.
When growing roses, plant roses where they can get at least 5 to 6 hours of direct sunlight every day. The morning sun is particularly beneficial as it dries the leaves, which aids in disease prevention. Roses raised in indirect sunlight may not die immediately, but they will deteriorate over time, yielding raw blooms and poor overwintering.
Echinacea, or coneflowers, are vibrant small native drought-resistant flowers that attract butterflies, bees, and birds to the garden. Weak or thin soil is ideal for purple coneflower plants. The presence of rich or heavily amend soil will lead to lush foliage and poor flowering. When growing purple coneflowers, make sure they get plenty of sunlight. At least six hours of daylight a day is considered full sun.
Lantana is a deciduous tree shrub that grows white, yellow, orange, pink, and red. This shrub thrives in warm climates and prefers well-draining soil. Lantanas (Lantana Camara) are simple to grow and care for. There are multiple varieties to choose from, each with a different color palette. Lantana plants can be handled as annuals or perennials, depending on the area and type grown. This flower can be grown in the garden or pots.
Lantana is a perfect way to add color and beauty to your garden. Grow them in direct sunlight with well-draining soil. Lantana flowers favor mildly acidic soil, although they are resistant to a wide range of soil types. Mulching with pine needles is a simple way to raise soil acid content.
Hardy Geranium (Cranesbill) Phaeum, also recognized as "Dusky crane's-bill, mourning, or black widow," is a Geraniaceae family plant shrub. Geraniums are well-known for being extremely useful and reliable, making them an integral plant for gardeners. It is classified as a dry shade plant and, when near trees and shrubs, provide a pleasant color to the blackish flowers.
Mourning widows can be planted, allowing about 80 cm of space across and between each plant. Light digging, hoeing, and raking are all ideal ways to prepare the soil for this plant. Allow approximately 20-20 cm among plants when gardening. Water generously after tamping down the soil, so the roots are not exposed to air.
Adenium, also known as the desert rose, is a beautiful flowering plant perfect for bonsai gardens. It is an evergreen or drought-deciduous succulent shrub that can be grown indoors and outdoors in plastic pots and experience its flowers year-round. Its leaves are spirally arranged, crowded towards the shoots' tips, simple whole, and leathery texture.
Adeniums are well adapted for the residential climate because they can survive dry conditions. Maintain high temperatures, ideally above 60 degrees Fahrenheit, though they can tolerate a little cooler if grown in a dry environment. Adeniums grow in direct sunlight in their natural habitat, so they need plenty of light to survive.
Flowers of the bleeding heart plant (Dicentra spectabilis) accessorize the garden with eye-catching, heart-shaped flowers supported on arching stems. The bleeding heart needs warm, moist soil and requires low-maintenance once it starts growing. Bright pink blooms with a heart-shaped shot are a lovely addition to any area. A bleeding heart requires daily watering to keep the soil adequately moist. It thrives in organic soil in a shady or partially shaded location.
Relish a year-round flower fiesta by planting Boungainvilleas in your garden. They are drought-tolerant and require less maintenance! To bloom copiously and look its most refined, Bougainvillea needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. This plant prefers the sun well; there won't be enough color if there isn't enough sunlight; Bougainvillea is drought-resistant once planted. It prefers intense deep watering every 3-4 weeks rather than regular shallow watering when it comes to watering.
Solomon's Seal is among the simplest plants to grow in an Indian garden to capture dappled light underneath trees with its twirling bell-like flowers and artful arching leaves. Solomon's seal can add dimension and texture to display dappled light underneath trees with its arching stems, delicate flower sprays, and easygoing willingness to merge with other shades. Solomon's seal is a perennial that provides shade to gardens with a comfortable and elegant structure and robust seasonal variety and significance. Solomon's seal can be grown in semi-dappled, dotted, or full shade. It won't grow well in the shadow of lesser trees or city alleyways.
Early morning or late afternoon sun works well for Solomon's seals, but midday sun scorches and crisps the plant.
The Hibiscus flower, also famous as rose mallow, is known for its vibrant, beautiful flowers in white, yellow, and red shades. It blooms all year, making it an excellent upgrade to your garden. This flower can be used to decorate a home or garden, but they're also used medicinally. Teas and liquid extracts made from its flowers and leaves can treat a range of ailments.
Though hibiscus plants are more demanding than some other common flowers, learning the basics of hibiscus care isn't challenging, and the colorful blooms are well worth the additional effort. The initial principle of hibiscus maintenance is to water them with warm water when it comes to sunlight, hibiscus plants like a lot of it! The more visible sunlight they get, the better they'll grow; aim for at least 8 hours of direct sunlight a day.
Butcher's Broom, another common flowering plant in Indian gardens, thrives in low-light conditions and requires moist soil to survive. Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus) is a thin, herbaceous plant known as a sub-shrub. It produces a tidy mound on its own. It's every leaf that has a sharp spine at the tip. In the spring, tiny, simple flowers bloom, accompanied by bright red, waxy berries.
Butcher's Broom is a small hardy shrub that can withstand almost any environment except direct sunlight. Because of its capacity for intense shade and ability to fight for moisture and nutrients with large trees, butcher's Broom is an excellent choice for gardens below trees.
Butcher's Broom thrives in soil that is acidic, alkaline, or neutral. It can even thrive in clay, chalk, or sand as in loamy soil.
Ixora exists in a range of colors, including red, yellow, and neon orange, and proliferates with little effort. Rugmini is its Indian name obtained from the name of a Hindu god. Wide corymbs of colorful florets identify Ixora shrubs., While planting an Ixora bush, it requires very little care. The plant has oval-shaped, shiny, leathery leaves that are rigid. Ixora grown in the full sun produces the most delicate flower displays. Growing an Ixora bush needs well-drained soil with a mild to mildly acidic pH. When planted in alkaline soils, the plant produces chlorosis.
Maintain an even moisture level in the soil and fertilize the plant when it becomes rowdy. The shrub is propagated by stem cuttings that can be planted with the support of a rooting hormone.
Snowdrops is a perennial herb plant with linear leaves and bulbs. Six white tepals (undifferentiated petals and sepals) make up this small flower; the three outer tepals are long and curved, while the inner tepals are tiny and edged. Snowdrops welcome the summer shade, even though they are inactive or asleep during the summer months.
To plant snowdrops, choose a location with moist yet well-drained soil, preferably under a tree or shrub. Even the back of your house on the shady side will be ideal for them.
Crossandras are delightful perennial flowers that thrive in lush, loamy, well-draining soil. This plant is also known as the "firecracker plant because of its orange and red flowers." They can also be grown inside. Crossandra is a moderate to quick grower that is ideally grown in the spring. The plant can grow in around seven months if you fulfill its moisture and light conditions. Crossandra plants are also known to attract butterflies when grown outdoors. Crossandra is one of the few plants that can thrive for months in partial shade. Clear, indirect sunlight is ideal for these plants.
Crossandra thrives in a thick, peat-based, swift potting soil. It needs to be in a location with good drainage when planted in the garden.
The Big Root Geranium is a gardener's choice for its lovely flower, aromatic green foliage, and low maintenance. Big Root Geranium requires less care and is a perennial that grows as a herbaceous ground cover. Bigroot Geranium can reach a height of twelve inches, but it stretches out to around twenty-four inches outwards. It has dark green leaves that are scalloped, widely lobed and range in length from 4 to 8 inches. It makes a beautiful ground cover and is weed-resistant.
It thrives in ordinary soil, full sun to partial shade, and drought during the summer.
Kalanchoes are lovely succulents with straight, green leaves and tiny, attractive flowers. They can be grown both indoors and outdoors and provide a splash of color to your yard. Kalanchoe is common among gardeners because of its easy maintenance and unique leaves and flowers, which grow throughout the year following daylight. Look no further than the Kalanchoe plant if you want to add extra charm to your garden. They come in a variety of colors, including red, pink, yellow, and white.
Kalanchoe, like most succulents, is a low-maintenance plant that thrives in bright light and well-draining soil. It can tolerate a wide range of climates but cannot survive in the winter.
The marigold is one of the most colorful and easy-to-grow annuals. The flower's success stems mainly from its ability to grow continually in the summer. Marigold is also a lucky flower for Indian gardens because of its spiritual connotations. It also requires simple growing and can increase quickly in low-maintenance gardens. However, it needs a lot of sunlight and black soil rich in hummus.
Pinch off the tops of the marigolds after they've formed themselves; it allows them to grow bushier. This will prevent the plants from being leggy and will enable them to bloom more.
Christ plant, also known as Crown of Thorns or Euphorbia milii, is an evergreen, annual herbaceous shrub with dark green leaves and greenish flowers. It's a beautiful perennial flowering plant that can be planted all year! Euphorbia milii thrives in direct sunlight and dry to moderate moisture, well-drained soils. This plant is identified by its sticky, flashy paired-bract flowers on grey stems with thick spines.
Christ plants thrive in bright light with dry soil and inadequate relative humidity.
Tibouchina urvilleana (Princess Flower) is a large, spreading, tropical, evergreen shrub with lush foliage with elliptic, softly hairy leaves that give a stunning sight when in full bloom. This plant, also known as Princess Flower, has beautiful purple, neon flowers and glossy greenish leaves. It blooms profusely in the summer and can reach a height of 10-15 feet. This plant prefers full sun and thrives in moist, fertile, well-drained soil. In hot summer climates, it requires some daytime shade. Avoid strong winds, and use a mulch to keep the roots cool. It can also be grown outside in a frost-free environment.
Hanging Baskets: 10 Flowers & Plants For Outdoors (In Full Sun)
15 Best Plants to Grow on Rooftop in India (Terrace)
Colourful Flowers that Grow in Shade
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About Christina Lopez
Christina Lopez grew up in the scenic city of Mountain View, California. For eighteen ascetic years, she refrained from eating meat until she discovered the exquisite delicacy of chicken thighs. Christina is a city finalist competitive pingpong player, an ocean diver, and an ex-pat in England and Japan. Currently, she is a computer science doctoral student. Christina writes late at night; most of her daytime is spent enchanting her magical herb garden.
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