Benefits of Adding Worms to Indoor Plants

reviewed by Truman Perkins

Earthworms eat through a lot of organic matter to get the nutrients they need most from bacteria living in organic matter in the restricted confines of most pots, they would pretty quickly break your potting soil down short term benefits then starve. Earthworms help and benefit the plants in many ways. there are different types of earthworms that help the plant in different ways. earthworm classification is done in different types of earthworms. they can be either pot worms and etc. Earthworms can variety in size from minuscule to numerous feet in measurement.

These are types of worms

These are types of worms
These are types of worms

Earthworm that are mostly found in home pots are Field worms also called Allolobohora caliginosa

Other one is night crawlers also known as Lumbricus Terrestris

The worms used in compost bins are red worms also called Lumbricus Rubellus

And the branding worms is Eisenia Fetida But they doesnt survive in ordinary soil

"will potting soil kill worms?"


There are many ways in which the plants help the plants and they can prove to be an easy method to so many problems. it can prove to be a very convenient solution to the gardeners.

5 benefits of adding earth worms to the pots are:

  • Better air circulation. Which means they make pathways under the soil where the air can pass through. air can pass through the soil and this helps the oxygen and carbon dioxide interchange even better. these worms can prove to increase better air ventilation between the soil. The question is that how actually do the earthworms help in air circulation? the answer is that they move and penetrate through one side of the soil and they come out of the other side of the soil, that makes holes in the soil of the size of the insects that penetrate through. when these holes are created through this helps the soil to become loose as well as promote the air circulation.
  • There are many uses of these earthworms in which comprises the use of nutrient breakdown and fertility of the soil. now what happens is that when the life span of the earthworms end they die,when they die the earthworms body decomposes over time and that increases the fertility of the soil and also acts as passive fertilizer.Higher nutrient breakdown for the plants: which is worms break down. The fertilizer or food waste given to plants. The worms convert those waste to nutrients for the plants. the waste material of the dead body of a worm also helps the fertility of the soil and therefore it Is proved that these earthworms even benefit the soil after they die. Earthworm excrement and castings are ironic in potassium nitrogen and phosphorous, and the important minerals wanted for plant development. Earthworm moldings also help quandary sulfur, calcium and iron to soil particles-reserves that also help plants flourish.
  • And worms maintain slightly of acidic soil which is useful or beneficial for most plants. Worms leave 5 to 11 times the amount if nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium they have consumed / ingested. a large number of nutrient composition is also present in the body of an earthworm. they prove to be useful most of the plants that are deficient in some of the minerals and nutrients.And when worms die their body which is rich in protein return nitrogen which fertilize the soil.Earthworms help for the creation of humus-a dark brown-black type of soil which grips significant nutrients in place for plant use and growth. Earthworms also in assistance to make proper soil construction; their warrens open up the topsoil and create drainage and aeration channels.

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  • In the benefits of these earthworms also comes the benefit of removal of debris and the fungal spores. they help in the removal of debris and some of the wigglers as well as the earthworms present in the soil also help to fodder on decayed as well as the living room flesh that remains untouched by the plant development when the holes disturb the procedure of the root. Worms also remove the debris and fungal spores in the surface and they clean the unwanted organic materials too. Earthworms engulf their own bulk in carbon-based soil and matter every day. A quid of earthworms eats a quid of organic matter and soil each day.

Earthworms help in the transformation of soil into humus refining earth assembly. Their coil-like moldings are stable when both dry and wet thus refining soil structure.

Earthworms replicate rapidly and upsurge their populace exponentially. one upbringing earthworm can produce 96 new baby worms in six months.

  • All worms positioned in the same soil as preserved plants commonlyadvantage the soil as long as there are rotting plant resourcesexisting for worms to eat. Wigglers and Earthworms alike fodder on living and deceased root flesh at times, which may undesirablytouchvegetabledevelopment when the holesdisturb the root's growth procedure. This is characteristically only asubject if a big worm populace is current in one herbal pot.

Earthworms eat through a lot of organic matter to get the nutrients they need most from bacteria living in organic matter in the restricted confines of most pots, they would pretty quickly break your potting soil down short term benefits then starve.


By spraying neem oil by using a spraying bottle or Using sterile potting soil like Ordinary soil may contain worms' eggs and disease-causing organisms. When purchasing potting soil, always go for sterile soil. Young seedlings will thrive without the risk of developing diseases or attacks by pests.

Otherwise watering plants adequately

Over-watering your plants creates soggy conditions that provide ideal conditions for pests to thrive. Under watering plants weakens them and reduces their ability to fight infections.

If there are few earthworms in your garden it could mean that the soil is compacted or low in organic material.

Add chopped leaves, grass clippings, semi-decomposed compost, and animal manure to your garden; these will allow worms to.

These worms thrive in cool soil and can be spotted on the soil surface during the darkness of night or during rainstorms when their burrows are flooded. Earthworms do not have eyes but they are sensitive to light; they will retreat into the soil when light is shone on them.

Field Worms and Night Crawlers are not used in worm compost bins, but they can be found in freestanding compost piles in the garden; they will congregate at the bottom of a compost pile where the pile does not become very hot and where they can easily retreat into the soil below the pile.

And vermiculture is a practice or growing earth worms in boxes and feeding them kitchen waste and stuffs to create castings for the plant fertilizer.


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About Truman Perkins

Truman Perkins is a Detroit-based SEO consultant who's been in the business for over a decade. He got his start helping friends and clients get their websites off the ground, and he continues to do so today. In his free time, Truman enjoys learning and writing about gardening - something he believes is a natural stress reliever. He lives with his wife, Jenny, and their twins in Detroit.

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