reviewed by Christina Lopez
Trees not only provide Shade but are a primary source of the air we breathe in and for the food we eat are very crucial for leading a life. They are a necessity not only for oxygen and food but also to ensure living in a safe environment. Trees beautify the planet and save humans from the adverse effects of pollution and soil erosion. It cleans the air and reduces carbon footprints.
Also, trees provide shade in hot summers, cools the air in the spring and blocks the harsh blowing wind in winter. It also provides insulation.
Trees provide a home to wildlife, the place for rest to birds and squirrels. In layman’s terms, trees help in defining a space.
A national tree of India, BANYAN TREE is an Indian originated tree. Famously known for providing shade in India, it is the oldest tree of our country. The tree is also known for wish-fulfilling.
Nimboo tree is also known as Indian Elm. The average height of the Nimboo tree is around 18 m tall. The leaves of this tree are elliptic ovate that are wide but smooth with the margin and pointed tip. An old tree of bamboo has grey color bark and peeling corky scales.
The Lal Chandan (Raktachandan) tree is also a very fast-growing tree. It grows up to the height of 8 m tall. This tree grows to 5 m tall in three years even when planted on degraded soil. Lal Chandan is a moderate-size tree.
The Semal Tree is wet tropical weather growing a tree that grows to an average of 20 meters. The old tree of Semal grows up to 60 meters. The leaves of this tree are deciduous in the winter season.
The Mangroves tree mainly found in tropics and coastal areas, this tree plays an important part and function in our ecosystem. It works as a natural coastal protecting agent. The roots of this tree are extended that forms a nursery. The mangrove forest is the terrestrial ecosystem. Also, the roots of this tree work as an attaching surface for marine species like colorful sponges, etc. Known for filtering the pollution of the air, this tree is widely known for protecting from the soil erosion a d for providing food and nest to various species.
The Shikhakai is a beneficial ingredient of herbal product and shampoos, Shikakai is an ancient herb that has been used as a superior cleanser that promotes healthy and beautiful hairs. This tree is also helpful in curing malaria. Also, the leaves are an excellent source for correcting skin disorders. Shikakai is a native of Asia. INDIA is the hub for shikakai. In India, Shikakai is mainly grown in the warm plains, especially of south and central of this country. The Shikakai Tree grows very fast.
Amla an ayurvedic medicine which is known as the gift of nature for humanity is also a fast-growing tree. It is a medium-sized tree with a crooked trunk with long and spreading bushes.
Amla is a greenish-yellow color fruit that has six vertical stripes on it. In India, it is also known as Gooseberry is both sour and sweet.
The Karanja tree is planted mainly along highways and roads to prevent soil erosion. The Karanja Tree is a nitrogen-fixing tree. This tree also acts as an essential feedstock for Biodiesel that is being used for reclamation and soil stabilizing.
MADHUKAR is a fast-growing tree that can be grown in any soil. But the preference for growing this tree is on Sandy soil. The tree grows up to 20 meters when planted in warm and humid conditions. This tree is easy to grow with the least efforts, but the benefits of increasing it are numerous.
Ber tree helps in the production of silk. Silk, one of the costliest yet commercially very successful product that is sold in the market. It is the most preferred and prestigious product. The Ber tree is also a fast-growing tree. Also, the leaves of Ber are used to feed Tasar silk. This tree is well known for growing even in the adverse climatic conditions. It is also known as INDIAN PLUM.
The Sheesham, also known as NORTH INDIAN ROSEWOOD, SHEESHAM is also a fastest growing tree which is best known for its economic timber. The wood of this tree is highly durable and resistant. Sheesham tree and especially its leaves play an important role in Ayurveda also. The tree is used for medicinal purposes as well. Also, the leaves of this tree are well known for curing various diseases and health disorders. Some tree have cultural significance in India, like Sheesham, Nagalinga, Peepal etc.
Babool, a tree known since ancient time for cleaning teeth, is also known as a faster-growing tree. It is an ayurvedic medicine for healthy teeth. Also, this tree grows very tall in less period and lasts for years. This tree is grown in dry regions, preferring sandy and sterile region soil. The crown of this tree is flattened or rounded. Also, the tree is found with moderate density. The branches of this tree droop downwards when the top is roundish in shape
Bahasa tree, also known Laburnum tree in English, is a tree with lovely and beautiful flowers. The tree looks alluring and bewitching in April. Also, this tree is grown in dry climates; thus, the tree is found in plenty in the southern states. Height of this tree is 40 feet.
The Ficus Tree is also known as the Indian fig tree, This tree is native of Australia and Indian Subcontinent. This tree has values attached to it as it is very sacred and rare. This tree is remarkably fast-growing and very fruitful as well.
The Sadad Tree is also known as Arjuna tree, is a large deciduous tree that forms a canopy which is full at the crown. The average height of this tree is 70 meters. Usually found near the bank of rivers or near dry river beds, the tree is well known for its yellow flowers. This tree has a vital role in Ayurveda. It was initially introduced to treat heart-related diseases.
The Sagaun tree is a tall evergreen plant that has yellowish blond to reddish-brown wood, is the prime most source of the wood for making the furniture. This tree is also very helpful in making medicines and holds a significant role in the same. Its bark works as a tonic to treat fever, headaches, stomach ache. Also, it is known for improving the digestive system. This plant can survive in various climatic conditions and is also well known for having a long life span.
The Bamboo is an incredible plant known as the world fastest growing plant. Bamboo is a hollow stem and is found in humid tropical climatic condition regions of Asia. India is one of the largest bamboo producers in the world. This tree can reach its full maturity within 90 days after plantation.
NEEM, a fastest growing tree which is also known for its medicinal value. A neem tree and its leaves are used to cure many diseases. Along with that, it is used to make medicines. We are talking about trees with medicine values, them all. When there were no medical stores back in the day, this was the tree that was instrumental in curing many severe diseases in ancient times.
The Harra tree holds a lot of value in Indian Mythology, is also a fast-growing tree. It is a deciduous tree which is 30 m tall. The flowers of this tree are dull in color and are found at the end of the branches. The fruit of this tree is hard and greenish. The seed of the fruit has an essential role in curing ailment disorders.
Oak is an extant plant species, that grow in cold temperature is found in Himalaya region of India. The Oak is a fast-growing tree. It is a primary and prime source of fuelwood and leaves of this tree are a significant source of fodder for livestock.
Sagwan tree is also better known as the Teak tree.
A tree to be fast-growing need to have perfect climatic condition and soil. A fast-growing tree grows in lesser time and serves the purpose as well.
Above mentioned are various fast-growing trees of India that have multiple uses and takes less time in growing from a plant to a tree.
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About Christina Lopez
Christina Lopez grew up in the scenic city of Mountain View, California. For eighteen ascetic years, she refrained from eating meat until she discovered the exquisite delicacy of chicken thighs. Christina is a city finalist competitive pingpong player, an ocean diver, and an ex-pat in England and Japan. Currently, she is a computer science doctoral student. Christina writes late at night; most of her daytime is spent enchanting her magical herb garden.
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