reviewed by Truman Perkins
Deer are a major threat to many gardens, but luckily there are ways to keep them out. One method is by using fishing line in the garden because deer dislike it and will go around it. It's important to find a spot where the deer cannot jump over the line or they will just run through it! This blog post describes how to use fishing line as an affordable means of keeping deer away from your garden for good.
To keep deer out of your vegetable garden, you should look into using fishing line. It comes in different thicknesses and lengths. You can use this to make a barrier that the deer won't cross; they hate the feel of it on their feet.
People have been wondering for years if deer can see fishing line. We all know that they are the best at avoiding things like barbed wire fences and other obstacles. What about our invisible fishing line? People often use it to catch fish, but does a deer's eyesight work well enough to spot the thin string? The answer, surprisingly, is yes! Deer can see fishing line because of their amazing sense of sight and vision. With such good eyesight and an ability to detect colors better than we do as humans, there is no doubt that they can easily spot one of your bait lines.
Yes, deer can see fishing line. In fact, they have a sixth sense that lets them detect movement very well.
After all, they can smell so much better than me. I don't know if anyone has ever tried to find out the answer for themselves or not, but I have been searching online and found some great information! Just in case you were wondering too, here are a few of the things that deer despise: humans who use perfume in high concentrations; human sweat; cigarette smoke; food odors from beef jerky bags in a vehicle. If you want to learn more about this topic then please continue reading because there is plenty more info coming your way.
First, let's think about what they like. They love blueberries and apples. But, there is one thing I know for sure: garlic doesn't sit well with them.
Do coffee grounds keep deer away from plants?
Do coffee grounds keep deer away from plants? Surprisingly, it turns out that there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. In fact, the only thing we know for sure about deer and coffee is that they don't like the smell of each other! If you want a natural way to deter animals from your garden, try spreading some cinnamon near your plantings or planting peppermint around them.
Deer are a menace to any gardener. They cause an excessive amount of destruction, with their sharp hooves, teeth and appetite for plants. There are many ways that you can deter deer from your garden but the most effective is by using deer repellants. Deer repellant sprays work best because they cover more ground than other methods like soap or peppermint oil which only repel them in one spot. The spray doesn't have to be toxic either so it's safe for humans too! Whether you want to keep your flowers out of reach or just have peace of mind knowing there won't be any surprises come morning time, these sprays will do the job well!
Does putting fishing line around a garden keep deer out?
Does putting fishing line around a garden keep deer out? I have to admit, this is the first time I've ever heard of such a thing. But apparently some people swear by it! One person said they had tried it and their small vegetable garden was still intact after almost two years while others say that it didn't work for them at all. So what do you think? Does putting fishing line around your garden help to deter deer from eating your vegetables or flowers?
This blog post is for the deer enthusiasts who have been asking themselves if a deer can jump over a 6 foot fence. The answer to this question is not as simple as it may seem, and there are many factors that determine if a deer could jump over a six foot fence or not. There are many things that come into play such as age, health, weight and strength of the animal, height of the fence in relation to ground level and more. I hope you enjoy reading about how we determined whether or not your favorite animal could jump over a 6 ft high fence!
We have all seen the many garlic based products on store shelves. We've also heard that it can repel insects, mosquitoes, and even vampires! But does it really work to repel deer?
The answer is "maybe." It's important to know what type of deer you are trying to keep away. If you live in an area where there are white tailed deer (the most common), then yes, garlic should work well for keeping them out of your garden. However if you live in a region with mule deer or black tail deer then the answer would be no because they do not seem to be affected by garlic like white tailed deer are.
There are many ways to keep deer out of your garden, but one that is often overlooked is fishing line. Deer love the taste of plants, and they will quickly eat them if given the chance. If you stretch a thin layer of fishing line across your garden at about chest height for easy access, it won't be long before you see evidence on how effective this method can be! The cord should run perpendicular to where plants grow so deer cannot simply walk around it or overtop it with ease. Double-check each day as well because any break could result in an all-you-can-eat buffet for these hungry animals.
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About Truman Perkins
Truman Perkins is a Detroit-based SEO consultant who's been in the business for over a decade. He got his start helping friends and clients get their websites off the ground, and he continues to do so today. In his free time, Truman enjoys learning and writing about gardening - something he believes is a natural stress reliever. He lives with his wife, Jenny, and their twins in Detroit.
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