reviewed by Christina Lopez
Vegetable gardens are cultivated within a domestic environment to grow vegetables for consumption. Several types of vegetables can be grown in a vegetable garden. For example, tomato and pepper are some of the edible plants you can grow in a vegetable garden. Plants need water and nutrient from the soil for them to survive. Plants and vegetables also need sunlight and adequate nutrients for them to flourish all through the farming seasons.
Plants naturally get nutrients that help them grow from the soil, but fertilizers can be added to the soil to improve its nutrient supply. Doing this will help you achieve a bountiful harvest. So, when growing vegetables, it is important to fertilize them so that they can come out fresh and healthy. In this guide, we will review some of the best fertilizers for vegetable gardens.
Here are ten of the best fertilizers for vegetable gardens reviewed in 2023;
This is one of the best fertilizers for growing tasty herbs and fresh vegetables. You will get to enjoy a fresh and bountiful vegetable garden harvest if you feed the plants with "Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Plant Food Vegetable and Herbs" every 7-14 days. All you need do is to mix the fertilizer properly with water and feed instantly on the plants to enjoy the best possible result.
Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Plant Food Vegetable and Herbs is made with a mixture of natural ingredients to produce well-fed herbs and vegetables. It is the perfect fertilizers that will help increase your vegetable garden's harvest. It will not only make your gardens harvest bountiful, but it will also make them come out in the best possible shape and condition.
How to Apply: Use Miracle-Gro Garden Feeder or a Watering Can ensure even distribution of the fertilizer on the garden plants. You should soak the soil at the base of plants before applying the fertilizer so that the roots are effectively fertilized. Whatever you do, make sure you apply this fertilizer to your vegetable garden as directed to avoid burning. It is a great fertilizer to use for plants such as pepper, tomatoes, basil, carrot, cucumber, and several other vegetables. So, we highly recommend using this fertilizer since it's been tested and trusted.
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This is a special kind of fertilizer produced for plants and vegetable gardens use. The "Root Naturally Azomite Rock Dust" fertilizer is made from over sixty-seven organic elements derived from volcanic ash deposits. These organic elements combine to form the Volcanic Rock Dust fertilizer used in growing food plants. It is one of the best fertilizers for vegetable gardens.
It acts as an additive when applied to plant beds to give vegetables and plants vital minerals that will make them grow and thrive. This fertilizer is properly packaged in a heavy-duty re-sealable bag to ensure proper storage and easy carriage when purchased. Aside from vegetable gardens, this fertilizer is useful for growing shrubs, fruit trees, ornamentals, and grapevines.
How to Apply: The application rate of this fertilizer involves the following; adding one heaping tablespoon for every gallon of soil for potting mix. Spreading 1-2 pounds per 10 square feet and mix into garden soil. As for turfs and lawns, applying 3 pounds per 1000 square feet 4-5 times per year. You should also add 5lbs - 10lbs per 200lbs of compost at the beginning of a composting cycle. This is a great fertilizer for growing all kinds of food plants and vegetables.
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The "Dr. Earth Home Grown Tomato Vegetable and Herb Fertilizer" is specially formulated to feed fruit plants, summer crops, winter crops, and food plants in vegetable gardens. This home-grown fertilizer is handcrafted from human and feed-grade ingredients. This fertilizer is highly recommended for use during seed planting and transplanting. It can also be used as compost tea for when you need to frequently perform top dressing on your vegetable garden plants.
Dr. Earth Home Grown Vegetable Fertilizer is enriched with ingredients such as proteins, multi-minerals, carbohydrates, humic acids, and other elements that improve the soil's health for growing the healthiest vegetables. This TruBiotic Living fertilizer will improve the growth of your plants and vegetables by renewing the soil nutrient where it is applied. This process will start new soil purely and naturally over a short time. It is a quality vegetable fertilizer.
How to Apply: Easily apply this fertilizer by adding it to the soil around your plants while adding water for moisture. For example, you can apply one tablespoon per pot. It's a perfect fertilizer for growing your tomatoes and peppers including fruits like strawberries. Overall, it is very beneficial for producing homegrown foods through containers and gardens plantings.
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The "Jobe's Organics 9026 Fertilizer" is a top organic and natural fertilizer produced to increase the growth of tomatoes and vegetables. This organic granular plant food fertilizer contains Jobe Biozome that aggressively breaks down soil material by improving it to generate a faster result. It also guarantees abundant vegetables and plant harvest because it prevents insect invasion and resists plant diseases. It also protects vegetable gardens from unfavorable conditions.
It is OMRI listed for organic gardening by USDA which helps in certified organic food production through container planting and vegetable garden planting. It is a kind of fertilizer formulated to help all vegetable plants bear more natural and healthy fruits. It is suitable for growing edibles like onions, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers, lettuce, peppers, and eggplants.
How to Apply: You can apply it every 4-6 weeks for all plants and every 7-28 days for the water-soluble type. For this water-soluble type, use a watering can to spread the mix on the soil. The Bizome element has a healthy bacteria strain that improves soil structure and keeps nutrients near the plants. This fertilizer helps plants absorb water and nutrients for a better harvest.
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The "Haris Organic Plant Food and Fertilizer" is a hydrolyzed liquid fish fertilizer emulsion used for growing tomatoes and vegetables. This is an organic fertilizer that contains micronutrients and trace minerals that are naturally derived from fish. This stimulates the growth in the roots of vegetables and plants so that people and farmers can enjoy a bountiful garden harvest.
The micronutrients and trace minerals produced from deepwater feeding fish adds nutrients to this fertilizer to provide great benefits for vegetables and plants. These benefits include the rebuild of soil texture, and plant growth improvement to help yield higher production. This fertilizer has a superior production process that produces hyper-active biostimulants.
How to Apply: It has a versatile application process that involves the foliar-applied method, soil-applied method, and drip applied system. Add 1-3 tablespoons per gallon of water whether you are applying indoors or outdoors. Ensure you feed this organic fertilizer to your flowers, plants, and vegetables every 2-3 weeks to get good results. You can apply this organic fertilizer to grow fruit trees, vegetables, and even lawns. We recommend it for vegetable gardens.
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The "Espoma Garden-Tone Plant Food" is an organic fertilizer produced for organic gardening of herbs and vegetable foods. It is a quality plant fertilizer made from 100% natural and organic ingredients to promote abundant vegetable gardens harvest. It has no fillers or sludges which makes it an effective and long-lasting plant food natural and organic fertilizer for gardens.
The pack of this organic fertilizer weighs 4 pounds and it contains natural ingredients that are ideal for the long-lasting planting of vegetables and herbs. It will help you grow vegetables in hot and cold weather conditions. Vegetables like Kale, Lettuce, Pepper, Tomatoes, Onions, and Squash. You can also use it to grow herbs like Chives, Basil, Parsley, Sage, and Oregano.
How to Apply: It is quite easy to apply. Mix a portion of Garden-Tone fertilizer into your garden soil before seeds planting. For Transplants, you can add this fertilizer 7-10 days after planting. Then ensure you feed the plants that are already established with this fertilizer monthly. Garden-Tone Plant Food is the perfect fertilizer you need for feeding your vegetable gardens.
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The "Scotts All Purpose Flower and Vegetable Plant Food" is a multi-purpose fertilizer that provides continuous release of plant food for flowers and vegetables. It is made from a mixture of natural and organic ingredients that delivers nourishment to your flowers and vegetables. It is on our list of best fertilizers for vegetable gardens because it is highly effective and reliable.
Scotts All Purpose Flower and Vegetable Plant Food promotes vigorous roots growth to ensure plants get all the needed ingredients from the soil. It also encourages lush foliage that ensures plants flourish across different seasons and weather conditions. It is an affordable fertilizer and can be used to grow all kinds of flowers and vegetables you can think of.
How to Apply: Simply apply this fertilizer directly to your garden soil by following the manufactures guide. A pack of Scotts All Purpose fertilizer can feed your flowers and vegetables by applying it every 2 months. It can be used for growing flowers, fruit trees, shrubs, roses, and vegetables. We highly recommend purchasing this quality fertilizer for your vegetable garden.
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This fertilizer is a tomato and vegetable 8-8-8 plant food produce excellent germination result for vegetables, herbs, fruits, shrubs, and trees. It is an organic fertilizer with excellent protein and plant-based formula produced by "Purely Organic Products LLC" for fast-acting results.
This is one of the best fertilizers in the country because it is good for use in indoors planting and outdoors planting of several vegetables and plants. It has a balanced 8-8-8 NPK formula that offers different functions i.e., it has 8% Nitrogen that improves plant growth; 8% Potassium that makes plants root strong; and 8% Phosphorus to make plants blossom and fruitfully flourish.
How to Apply: You have to keep feeding this fertilizer to your plants every 7-8 weeks. It is well packaged in a resealable bag and can cover up to 250 square feet. We recommend Purely Organic Products Tomato and Vegetable Plant food for fertilizing your vegetable gardens because you will enjoy utmost satisfaction from the great increase in harvest it provides.
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The nature's care organic bone meal is a special fertilizer manufactured to help build a strong frame for your plants by starting with the roots. This 3lb packaged bone meal contains several ingredients like organic phosphorus for beautiful blossom and making the leaves of your plants green. This is one of the best fertilizers for growing plants and vegetable gardens outdoor.
This is a special fertilizer manufactured by the makers of Miracle-Gro organic plant food. It will provide all the nutrients your plants need to grow while also improving the quality of the soil. It will make your roses, flowers, vegetables, and bulbs stay beautiful and healthy throughout the farming season. Nature's Care Organic Bone Meal is OMRI listed for organic gardening use.
How to Apply: It is easy to apply if you follow the instruction guide. You can feed the fertilizer to your garden plants in three easy steps; apply your Organic Bone Meal fertilizer on the garden soil and use a rake to work it into the soil; then ensure you carefully spread out the fertilizer away from the trunk of the plant, and finally, water the plant and soil to make them wet. This fertilizer offers the best organic ingredients that will make your vegetable gardens prosperous.
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The "Joyful Dirt Premium Concentrated Organic Plant Food and Fertilizer" is an all-purpose fertilizer for growing vegetables and plants in indoor and outdoor gardens. It is organic indoor plant food and outdoor garden fertilizer that contain ingredients such as Mycorrhizae. Joyful Dirt Organic Plant Food provides additional nutrients that will help plants grow quicker.
This easy use shaker is compact and weighs 3 ounces. It is easy to apply and can be easily stored over a long time. It is powerful plant food and fertilizer for outdoor vegetables and plants. It can also be applied to indoor plants without the risk of burning them. Joyful Dirt Organic plant food and fertilizer can also be used to revive dying vegetables and plants.
How to Apply: Shake the content and pour it into the soil, then water it. You can also mix the portion you want to use in a watering can and then spread it over your garden. It can be frequently used as much as every time you water the plants. Joyful Dirt fertilizer is easy to apply if you follow the instructions as directed. We recommend this product for feeding your flower gardens, houseplants, lawns, her gardens, and vegetable gardens.
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Vegetables are for consumption, so paying close attention to the type of fertilizer you're applying to grow them is important. Some fertilizers are only good for growing flowers and trees because they might contain chemicals not good for growing edibles. So, to produce healthy vegetables, you should purchase quality plant food and fertilizer that is good for them.
This section will point out important things to note before buying fertilizer for your vegetable gardens. Buying low-quality fertilizer and applying it to your vegetable garden can kill plants in your garden. Hence, take note of these factors that will guide you in buying the best ones.
You should test the soil in your garden for nutrients before buying fertilizer. This will help you determine the right type of fertilizer for growing your vegetables. You can learn how to test your garden soil and how frequently you need to test them online.
You should check the NPK Ratio of the fertilizer you are buying before buying it. Fertilizers have different NPK Ratio that shows the formulae in which elements are mixed to produce the fertilizer. These elements include Potassium, Phosphorus, and Nitrogen. So, consider the type of vegetable plants you want to grow and identify the NPK ratio that aligns with them.
Vegetables need certain nutrients for them to grow and look healthy for consumption. Hence, buying fertilizers that will provide those special nutrients is highly essential. A good example of fertilizers that will provide nutrients that vegetables need is organic fertilizers and synthetic fertilizers. Synthetic fertilizers are man-made while organic fertilizers are naturally produced.
Fertilizers are produced in different forms; liquid form, powder form, and granular form. You should decide which form you want it to be before buying it. You have to mix some fertilizers with water before applying, while some can be directly sprinkled on the leaves of your plants.
You should check the price of the fertilizer before buying to ensure you are spending within your budget. While some fertilizers can be expensive, you can still get affordable ones.
Here are frequently asked questions that might be of help;
You can apply fertilizers to your vegetables at different times depending on the kind of vegetable you are growing. For some, you are to apply fertilizer when planting the seeds, for some you are to apply fertilizer when transplanting, while others require applying fertilizer to them when they're a few inches tall. Applying fertilizer to your vegetables at the right time will yield better growth and harvest.
YES. Fertilizers can be used to replenish soil nutrients. Soil nutrient content and quality can reduce after years of constant use. So, a good way to improve the nutrients of the soil in your vegetable garden is to add fertilizer to them. This can be done annually by first testing the soil and then adding fertilizer to it so that vegetables can enjoy a regular supply of soil nutrients.
Fertilizers that are produced in liquid form are short-acting and easier to apply to vegetable gardens. Unlike the granular form fertilizer that needs to be thoroughly mixed in water before adding to the plant. Nutrients are quickly released from liquid form fertilizer which is good for vegetables while granular form fertilizer is rather intended for extended-release which is more suitable for crops. Hence, liquid form fertilizer is preferable for vegetable gardens.
Fertilizer can be applied to your vegetable garden across all seasons but it's best during Spring. You can do this whether you are starting to plant or replanting. Your fertilizer will get into the soil faster during this season, which will in turn help to yield faster results.
Once your vegetable plants start growing, they tend to use more nutrients from the soil. So, it is important to add more fertilizer to the garden because your vegetables and plants are ramping up production at this stage. This will help the plants to even grow faster.
You have to fertilizer at some specific time of the day, if you are using a fertilizer that requires sprinkling on the leaves rather than the soil. The perfect time of the day to do this is early in the morning (before sunrise) or late in the evening (after sunset). Adding fertilizer to your vegetable leaves when the sun is out and hot will make the leaves burn and cause irreparable damage.
Organic fertilizers are naturally produced to add organic matter and improve the soil structure. They also fight pest and plant diseases that can damage the production of vegetables. So, this makes organic fertilizers the best for growing vegetable gardens.
We will advise against applying fertilizers designed for growing lawns to grow your vegetables because they have high nitrogen concentrations. Vegetables need more phosphorus than nitrogen, so ensure you use fertilizers designed for growing vegetables instead. Lawn vegetables also have pest control chemicals that can damage your vegetables.
You can feed your vegetable garden with nitrogen-based fertilizer if you are trying to grown green vegetables as it will prevent yellowing. Applying the right amount will make your vegetables healthy but the excess application will stunt the growth of some other vegetables.
Dr. Earth Organic 5 Tomato, Vegetable & Herb Fertilizer Poly Bag - Walmart Link
Miracle-Gro Plant Food, Tomato Fertilizer, 1.5 lb - Walmart Link
Osmocote Smart-Release Plant Food Flower & Vegetable, 8 lb - Walmart Link
Worm Castings Organic Fertilizer, Wiggle Worm Soil Builder, 15-Pounds, (Package May Vary) - Walmart Link
Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food, 3 lb - Walmart Link
Jobe's Organics 9026 Fertilizer, 4 lb - Walmart Link
Miracle-Gro Shake 'N Feed Tomato, Fruit & Vegetable Plant Food, Plant Fertilizer, 4.5 lbs. - Walmart Link
Fox Farm FX14049 Liquid Nutrient Trio Soil Formula: Big Bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom - Walmart Link
Organic Kelp Fertilizer by GS Plant Foods - Omri Listed(1 Gallon) - Liquid Kelp - Walmart Link
Neptune's Harvest Organic Hydrolized Fish & Seaweed Fertilizer 36 0z - Walmart Link
Dr. Earth Organic 5 Tomato, Vegetable & Herb Fertilizer Poly Bag - eBay Link
Miracle-Gro Plant Food, Tomato Fertilizer, 1.5 lb - eBay Link
Osmocote Smart-Release Plant Food Flower & Vegetable, 8 lb - eBay Link
Worm Castings Organic Fertilizer, Wiggle Worm Soil Builder, 15-Pounds, (Package May Vary) - eBay Link
Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food, 3 lb - eBay Link
Jobe's Organics 9026 Fertilizer, 4 lb - eBay Link
Miracle-Gro Shake 'N Feed Tomato, Fruit & Vegetable Plant Food, Plant Fertilizer, 4.5 lbs. - eBay Link
Fox Farm FX14049 Liquid Nutrient Trio Soil Formula: Big Bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom - eBay Link
Organic Kelp Fertilizer by GS Plant Foods - Omri Listed(1 Gallon) - Liquid Kelp - eBay Link
Neptune's Harvest Organic Hydrolized Fish & Seaweed Fertilizer 36 0z - eBay Link
Plants need fertilizer to grow faster and stronger, so applying fertilizer to your vegetable gardens is a crucial and beneficial thing to do. It is not okay to just apply any fertilizer you lay your hands on, but rather apply quality fertilizer that will yield better results and a bountiful harvest. We have reviewed ten of the best fertilizer for vegetable gardens, so ensure you check them out. Whether you are planning to grow tomatoes, pepper, or lettuce, choosing the right fertilizer to apply should not be ignored. Each of these fertilizers is of good quality and we highly recommend choosing any of them for your backyard vegetable gardens.
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About Christina Lopez
Christina Lopez grew up in the scenic city of Mountain View, California. For eighteen ascetic years, she refrained from eating meat until she discovered the exquisite delicacy of chicken thighs. Christina is a city finalist competitive pingpong player, an ocean diver, and an ex-pat in England and Japan. Currently, she is a computer science doctoral student. Christina writes late at night; most of her daytime is spent enchanting her magical herb garden.
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