reviewed by Truman Perkins
Does the grass in your garden is yellow or patchy?
If yes, it is time to look for a new fertilizer. Sometimes a soil doesn't contain sufficient nutrients to grow solid and healthy. Thus, you need good fertilizer.
But, how can you keep your lawn green and thick year-round?
Well, Bermuda grass is the answer for you. Drought tolerant, Bermuda grass is attractive turf for a great lawn. It is soft yet hard to stand up to pets and other traffic. It produces a deep and thick green lawn.
For the best grass, Bermuda requires an effective fertilizer and adequate water. If you want the healthiest Bermuda grass, apply proper fertilizer so that grass gets enough nutrients to stay lush and green. Keep in mind that not every fertilizer is suitable for this grass.
However, it is not easy to find the right fertilizer for your grass. If you have Bermuda grass, it is advisable to buy suitable fertilizer.
This article includes reviews of the best fertilizers for Bermuda grass available on Amazon. In addition, you will learn what to look for before buying fertilizer. If you have got few questions, jump to the FAQ section to get answers to your questions.
Let's dive in.
Key features:
Those who are looking for complete lawn food must try Simple Lawn Solutions Advanced Liquid Fertilizer. It is definitely the best liquid fertilizer for your Bermuda grass. The combination has maximum nitrogen to give your grass fast growth.
The formula includes nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in the ratio of 16-4-8. This combination is a blend of necessary micronutrients, seaweed and fish. The advanced formula not only promotes the growth of your lawn but also repairs your lawn. Also, it enhances the grass tolerance to diseases, drought and extreme temperatures. Your grass will grow lush and thick year after year.
This fertilizer is knowns as quick-release fertilizer. The nitrogen enhances the color of your grass, phosphorous encourages root development, and potassium improves the toughness of the turf.
What you will love most about this fertilizer is that it does not have any chemicals that cause damage to your lawn as well as the environment.
Apart from using it for Bermuda grass, you can also use this liquid fertilizer for other turfgrasses. Some turfgrasses are Buffalo, Bahia, Zoysia, Fescue, Ryegrass, Florida Palmetto and Kentucky Bluegrass.
Further, the ingredients of this fertilizer are purely organic. Thus, your lawn will be totally safe for your pets and kids.
The best thing is you will not have to wait for a long time to see the results. This fertilizer will produce quick results. As such, your grass will grow within a short duration.
If your lawn contains few bare spots, let the liquid fertilizer fill them with nourishing Bermuda grass.
Now, you must be wondering about its application. Well, the liquid fertilizer comes in a container with a hose sprayer. All you need to do is connect the sprayer to the pump and spray the fertilizer on your grass.
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Key features:
You can feed 5000 square feet of Bermuda grass for $36.37. This fertilizer makes your grass healthy as well as control the weeds.
Scott Turf Builder Lawn Food is a highly rated fertilizer on amazon. It is a specially formulated fertilizer for Bermuda grass. Its N-P-K ratio of 26-2-13 protects your grass against drought and harsh weather. The formula crushes all weeds.
In addition to that, the fertilizer also promotes growth, stabilizes the root system and enhances the brightness of color.
You might be already aware of the worth of fertilizer with high nitrogen for Bermuda grass. The concentration of this popular fertilizer includes sufficient nitrogen that deep dense and lush green grass. That's why this fertilizer is different from other fertilizers.
That said, feed your lawn adequate fertilizer and water to get fast greening and growth. Within two weeks, results will amaze you. However, you must mow your Bermuda grass twice to maintain the growth rate.
Also, you can download Scott's turf app to read the coverage and usage requirement. You can apply the granules to either dry or wet lawns. Don't worry the application will not affect the results and performance. Spread it across the grass evenly. Start with the outside perimeter and work towards the inside.
Lastly, apply it regularly, and the growth of your grass will explode instantly. It is suitable for use on any grass.
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Key features:
Miracle-Gro brings the best fertilizers for lawn and grass. Its Water Soluble Lawn Food is Amazon's choice.
This granular fertilizer contains a high level of nitrogen and water solubility that makes your grass dense and green. Adequate water and proper nutrients will indeed produce beautiful results you will love.
With the NPK in the ratio of 30-0-06, this versatile fertilizer is ideal for all lawn grass types. You do not need to worry about the side effects. It will not burn your lawn.
For the application, you can either apply the lawn food via foliar application or soil. For a small area, the foliar application is ideal because of its environment-friendly nature. That said, feed your hungry lawn Miracle-Go Lawn food to let it grow and prosper.
Within two weeks, granules dissolve in the soil and start performing their jobs.
However, you must know that fertilizer works perfectly if you apply it in even distribution. With daily application, you will have a lush green and soft Bermuda grass. This fast-acting fertilizer does not only work on Bermuda grass but also on other turfgrasses. If you use this fertilizer in hot weather, do not forget to water your lawn after every application. Further, you can apply the fertilizer after or before planting your grass seeds.
In terms of feeding capacity, it can feed 7200 square feet. If you want instant results, repeat the application every six weeks.
It is advisable to apply it with Miracle-Gro Garden Feeder. But, watering can also do the job. All you need to do is mix lawn food with water and attach the feeder to a hose. You are good to go.
Alternatively, instructions are available to connect the fertilizer with the watering can.
Key features:
Scotts brand has incredible products that clean your lawn as well as make it beautiful.
That said, Turf Builder WinterGuard by Scotts is budget-friendly fertilizer that delivers the all nutrients your grass needs. This versatile fertilizer performs two jobs: enrich your grass with high nitrogen nutrients and control weeds.
The new formula is highly effective and 2x more powerful against clove control and dandelion. It will repress all visible weeds as well as hidden under the Bermuda grass. If you want to get rid of the weed, try out this fertilizer. Every granule contains 100 per cent nutrients so that your grass gets maximum food.
Further, it also prepares your grass for next spring by building strong and deep roots. You can use it in winter as well as fall. In fall, it repairs the damage from the intense heat of summer. This fertilizer ensures that your grass absorbs nutrients more efficiently. Thus, the grass will become green and thick.
The NPK is in the ratio of 28-0-6. It is advisable to apply fertilizer to wet grass. Run sprinklers for a maximum of ten minutes before applying this fertilizer. After application, wait for at least 24 hours before watering your lawn. This fertilizer features WeedGrip technology that kills the weeds and creates space for strong grass to grow.
If you want to overseed or aerate your grass after fertilization, you will have to wait for a minimum of one month after applying the fertilizer.
The best thing is you can use it on any grass, including Bermuda grass. You must know that it does not come with a spreader. You will have to buy additional equipment.
Lastly, Turf Builder WinterGuard has received high ratings on Amazon. Customers love its weed killing feature.
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Key features:
This list includes another great product by Simple Lawn Solutions. This product is a top-rated fertilizer on Amazon. If you want to give a boost to your grass, you will love this Simple Lawn Solutions Extreme Grass Growth Lawn. This inexpensive fertilizer is not your ordinary fertilizer. It will turn your damaged lawn into green carpet within two weeks.
The goal of this easy-to-apply fertilizer is to promote your grass vertical and lateral growth. That said, it is designed to make your grass thick, lush and green. You will not stop admiring this fertilizer.
Its advanced formula includes humic and fulvic acid. It is suitable for new seeds and sod. Further, it contains 6 per cent Nitrogen, 18 per cent phosphorous, and nonexistent potassium. Both nitrogen and potassium improve vigorous root development. It also enhances plant development at the earliest stage. One bottle covers approximately 32000 square feet.
The fertilizer is purely organic and environmentally friendly. Its formula makes it popular among gardeners.
But that's not all; it is a growth booster that removes mineral deficiencies so that grass grows healthy.
You will notice a remarkable difference.
In the context of the application, apply it between seven to ten days. The ideal time for application is once a month or every three weeks. Let the formula dry. Note that you should never apply it on days when there is a prediction of rain.
Just like other Simple Solutions fertilizers, it works on certain grasses, including Bermuda grass. Apply it on any grass and let the fertilizer make your grass healthy.
On top of everything, this fertilizer is non-toxic. So it is safe for your pets and kids to play around. Also, this fertilizer is perfect for small lawns. It comes with a ready-to-use sprayer handle. Now, you can apply the fertilizer to your grass with ease. Simple Lawn Solutions has saved you from incurring additional costs.
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Key features:
Make your garden beautiful with highly rated Scotts Turf Builder Lawn Food. This fertilizer is built to strengthen and nourish your grass. So, you will not have any issues in the future.
This product ensures that the roots of your grass grow stronger and deeper with time. Also, you will see that grass is absorbing all nutrients and water efficiently.
Of course, the Scotts brand is well known for its all in one formula. The N-P-K ratio is 32-0-10. That means that the formula is rich in nitrogen. With every bit of lawn food, your grass will get all the necessary nutrients to bring dark deep green color. Thus, the lawn gets more greener with every application. The grass will stand against drought and extreme heat. Further, you do not need to worry about weeds. This fertilizer kills the weeds.
Not only this, this fertilizer works well on all grass types. You can rest assured that it will produce wonderful results on your Bermuda grass. It is kid-friendly and pet-friendly.
Best of all, it makes your lawn thick and green within three days. Its long-lasting formula will keep your grass fertilized for at least three months. Plus, it will not stain driveways, concrete or other surfaces. Know that you will need to water your grass after every application.
However, it does not come with a spreader. You will have to buy it. But, it is just a small investment. That cost would be nothing in comparison to the outstanding results of this fertilizer. And yes, you are getting elite features at a low cost. You may want to try out this best-in-class fertilizer.
Other than that, it is safe to walk on grass after application. Apply the lawn food at a rate recommended on its package. If rain is in the forecast, don't water the lawn after applying the fertilizer.
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Key features:
This fertilizer is the perfect choice for Bermuda grass. No doubt, Milorganite is the best slow-release fertilizer for Bermuda and any other turfgrasses. The NPK composition includes four per cent nitrogen, four per cent phosphorous and no potassium. Your grass will feel good with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer. Apply it with peace. There are no chemicals ingredients.
This brand has earned top ratings because of its ability to produce fast results. A single application of this fertilizer makes your grass healthier, greener and thicker within ten weeks.
Plus, it will never harm aquatic life or pollute waterways. A 32 pounds bag feed a maximum of 2500 square feet. Apply it as recommended by the manufacturer.
Its super-amazing properties will treat your damaged lawn and will make it beautiful and deep green. The best thing is the results are long-lasting.
If you apply this salt-free fertilizer in excessive amounts, it will never burn your grass, including Bermuda grass. However, never do over-fertilization because it increases the bioactivity.
In addition to that, this fertilizer is rich in iron. That means your lawn will become a green cover. You can mow the grass easily to give it a beautiful look.
When it comes to dormancy, it is advisable not to feed quick-release fertilizer to Bermuda grass. For that reason, slow-release Milorganite fertilizer is suitable. The organic matter is heat-activated. Thus, you can apply it to your Bermuda grass during dormancy. Don't worry; it will not harm your grass. As soon as the grass starts restoring to life, fertilizer will start doing its magic.
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Key features:
Simple Lawn Solution is a family-owned business. For more than twenty years, they are catering the gardening needs of customers with their innovative lawn care products. Among its top-rated products, Root Hume is the highly condensed form of liquefied Carbon. This liquid lawn food contains humic acid, which is high in minerals. It quickly makes your lawn thick and green.
This fertilizer releases the trapped nutrients from inside the soil. It ensures that your grass and plant uptake sufficient nutrients to grow. Further, it does not include enough nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous. Instead, use any fertilizer with this lawn food to make sure that grass has everything to grow strong and healthy.
Plus, it works wonders on any grass type. It also provides support to a vegetable garden, indoor plants and trees. It is used in commercial agriculture, forestry and turf.
Lastly, this fertilizer is Amazon's choice. Customers have given it the title of a game changer. Buyers love its incredible results.
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Key features:
Andersons Professional fertilizer has an NPK ratio of 16-0-8. It includes a high level of nitrogen and no phosphorous. This fertilizer produces results in a short period. Your grass will transform into deep green grass within two weeks.
The slow release nitrogen allows constant feeding for eight weeks. That said, you will have to apply the fertilizer once every two months. Further, the list of ingredients includes humic acid that enriches your soil. Also, it helps plants to process nutrients efficiently.
In addition to that, this fertilizer has small particles. You get twice the number of small size particles per square foot.
The bottom line is this fertilizer is suitable for all grass types. Apply it in a small amount on your Bermuda grass. Let it make your grass healthy and thick.
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Learning about fertilizers is not enough. You must also know the factors that will help you in purchasing the best fertilizer. Before that, you should know that some types of Bermuda grass demand only twice a season fertilization to attain their full potential. On the other hand, some hybrid Bermuda grass such as Tifgreen, Tifway require frequent applications. Several turf fertilizers work on Bermuda grass.
There are three types of fertilizers. Each has its merits and demerits. Let's discuss each one of them.
Liquid fertilizer provides plenty of nutrients to Bermuda grass. Through foliar feed, grass absorbs the liquid fertilizer. It is a quick process to supply nutrients to plants. However, grass needs frequent application of fertilizer. Unfortunately, the life of liquid fertilizer is short. It comes in concentrated forms with a sprayer or garden hose-end dispenser.
Granular fertilizers include little pebbles and a push spreader. The tiny particles take some time to dissolve and release nutrients. Unlike liquid fertilizers, granular fertilizers do not produce immediate results. But it is worth mentioning that the effects of the fertilizer last longer. Grass requires fewer applications of granular fertilizer.
xxWater-soluble FertilizerWater-soluble fertilizers quickly dissolve in the water and leach out of the soil with ease. It goes in a hose-end sprayer. In one step, your Bermuda grass will get nutrients and water. Water-soluble fertilizers are suitable for small yards.
Yard and commercial lawn fertilizers have a certain amount of nitrogen which enhances the growth of grass. They also include phosphorous to improve the production of flowers and potassium to boost the health of a plant. You will find the ratios of these three nutrients on the package of the fertilizer.
That said, the NPK ratio of the best fertilizer for your Bermuda grass will include a high level of nitrogen. It will have almost nonexistent phosphorus and potassium in a small amount. For instance, 16-0-8 is the perfect ratio for your Bermuda grass.
To determine the right amount of nitrogen for your Bermuda grass. All you need to do is multiply the weight of the fertilizer bag with the nitrogen percentage mentioned in the NPK ratio. If the weight of fertilizer is sixty-pound with a 16-0-8 NPK ratio. Multiply the 16 per cent with sixty.
Most fertilizers contain inorganic or synthetic ingredients. However, some fertilizers include organic ingredients.
Organic fertilizers include non-chemical nutrients such as compost, earthworm castings, poultry manure and livestock manure. You must know that the cost of these fertilizers is high. The reason is that it takes a tremendous amount of effort to collect the ingredients, treat them and formulate them into fertilizer. Usually, many natural fertilizers are available in granule form in the market. The best thing about organic fertilizer is that it does not harm aquatic life or plants if it accidentally drains off into the waterway.
Companies formulate synthetic fertilizers with chemicals or artificial ingredients in laboratories. Synthetic fertilizers include nitrogen, potassium and sulfur. Some manufacturers even add boron, calcium or any other mineral to improve the health of the soil. Keep in mind that nitrogen in excess will harm aquatic life if fertilizer gets into ponds.
When it comes to fertilization of the year, the first application must be after early summer or late spring. At this time, the grass becomes deep green. You can apply fertilizer as per the instructions specified in the package. It is necessary to check that your fertilizer includes a high nitrogen ratio. If you want to overseed your lawn with Bermuda grass seed, you will have to wait at least two weeks after application. Further, you can use a second fertilizer application on your Bermuda grass.
In the fall, you can go for a third application. For fall fertilization, you must use a fertilizer that contains nitrogen as well as potassium, such as a 16-0-7 formulation. The potassium helps the grass fight against the disease and stay strong before it goes dormant in winter.
For the best results, test the soil to check deficiencies and add extra nutrients if needed. In many communities, gardeners take the soil sample to the local Country Extension Agency for a soil test and recommendations of nutrients.
Healthy Bermuda grass grows at a faster rate. Whereas unfed Bermuda grass never achieves the thickness. A perfect fertilizer for Bermuda grass contains nitrogen as well as phosphorous. Nitrogen enhances the development of green leaf blades that eventually improve the thickness of the grass. On the other hand, phosphorous makes the roots strong.
That said, the fertilizer gives your grass a beautiful look. It also kills the weeds in your grass and strengthens the grass to bear foot traffic. Not only this, fertilizer makes your grass so strong that it tolerates drought and other extreme weather conditions.
The right fertilizer transforms your grass into deep dark green grass. However, the nutritional deficiency will cause damage to Bermuda grass. Thus, your lawn will turn into a brown color. It is advisable to add fertilizer to keep the color of the grass intact.
A high-quality fertilizer benefits the soil along with feeding the Bermuda grass. Organic fertilizers increase bioactivity in the soil. In short, fertilizer enhances the health of your grass.
If Bermuda grass has turned thin due to damage, a good fertilizer will help your grass recover. Further, fertilizer also fills the bare spots quickly.
The fertilizer strengthens the Bermuda grass with the right nutrients. Thus, you will not have to spend additional time caring for your grass. In addition to that, fertilizers ensure that grass absorbs the nutrients efficiently. Hence, water is required in less amount. The best thing is grass absorbs the rainwater.
Fertilizer delivers the most beneficial nutrient to your Bermuda grass. One of the nutrients is nitrogen that enables the grass to develop green color. It also develops a strong root system which in turn leads to the healthy growth of Bermuda.
Lastly, fertilize your Bermuda grass during its growth phase. Your grass will grow thick.
Bermuda grass grows at a warm temperature. A good fertilizer boost growth of Bermuda grass. You might be having few questions related to fertilizer. Well, you don't need to look for answers anywhere else. This section includes the answers to the most commonly asked questions about the best fertilizer for Bermuda grass.
Timing is necessary during the fertilization of any grass. The application depends on the potency of fertilizer. In general, you have to fertilize Bermuda grass every six weeks.
Never fertilize until your Bermuda grass turns full green. You may have to wait until late spring. Reapply the fertilizer in fall and midsummer. Keep in mind that never fertilize Bermuda grass in winter.
Use a hose-end sprayer or pump sprayer for application. If you have granular fertilizer, you will need a push spreader.
In many cases, you can apply the fertilizer to wet grass. If there is heavy rain, wait till the water is no more on your lawn. Before that, never apply the fertilizer as the water will wash the fertilizer away.
A granular fertilizer stays on the lawn for many days before watering. It is advisable to check the instructions.
Applying quick release fertilizer to dormant Bermuda grass will only feed the weeds. They will damage the Bermuda grass. The most common is crabgrass which spreads quickly and damages your lawn. Therefore, a slow release fertilizer is best to fertilize the grass.
Just like plants, grass also demands care. You don't need to spend additional time on it. You can give your lawn proper care by investing in the best fertilizer. Soon your grass will grow as lush green grass. As we all know, the right fertilizer is the secret behind the thickness and growth of Bermuda grass.
That said, you know the best fertilizers available on Amazon. Along with that, you have learnt the benefits of fertilizer. Further, you can read reviews of fertilizers on Amazon. A testimonial of other buyers will help you in choosing the right fertilizer.
Say no to patchy Bermuda grass by purchasing the fertilizer that suits your budget. Let your Bermuda grass prosper.
Advanced 16-4-8 Balanced NPK- Lawn Food Quality Liquid Fertilizer- Spring & Summer - Walmart Link
Extreme Grass Growth Lawn Booster- Liquid Spray Concentrated Starter Fertilizer with - Walmart Link
Scotts Turf Builder Lawn Food, 12.5 lb. - Lawn Fertilizer Feeds and Strengthens Grass to - Walmart Link
Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Lawn Food, 5 lb. - Walmart Link
Scotts Turf Builder WinterGuard Fall Weed & Feed 3: Covers up to 5,000 sq. ft., - Walmart Link
Scotts 44615A Green Max Lawn Food 5,000 sq. ft - Walmart Link
Milorganite 0636 Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer, 32-Pound, Pack of 2 - Walmart Link
The Andersons Professional PGF 16-0-8 Fertilizer with Humic DG 5,000-sq - Walmart Link
Simple Lawn Solutions Root Hume- Simple Grow Solutions - Concentrated Humic Acid - Liquid - Walmart Link
The Andersons Professional PGF Complete 16-4-8 Fertilizer with Humic DG 5,000 sq.ft. - Walmart Link
Advanced 16-4-8 Balanced NPK- Lawn Food Quality Liquid Fertilizer- Spring & Summer - eBay Link
Extreme Grass Growth Lawn Booster- Liquid Spray Concentrated Starter Fertilizer with - eBay Link
Scotts Turf Builder Lawn Food, 12.5 lb. - Lawn Fertilizer Feeds and Strengthens Grass to - eBay Link
Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Lawn Food, 5 lb. - eBay Link
Scotts Turf Builder WinterGuard Fall Weed & Feed 3: Covers up to 5,000 sq. ft., - eBay Link
Scotts 44615A Green Max Lawn Food 5,000 sq. ft - eBay Link
Milorganite 0636 Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer, 32-Pound, Pack of 2 - eBay Link
The Andersons Professional PGF 16-0-8 Fertilizer with Humic DG 5,000-sq - eBay Link
Simple Lawn Solutions Root Hume- Simple Grow Solutions - Concentrated Humic Acid - Liquid - eBay Link
The Andersons Professional PGF Complete 16-4-8 Fertilizer with Humic DG 5,000 sq.ft. - eBay Link
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About Truman Perkins
Truman Perkins is a Detroit-based SEO consultant who's been in the business for over a decade. He got his start helping friends and clients get their websites off the ground, and he continues to do so today. In his free time, Truman enjoys learning and writing about gardening - something he believes is a natural stress reliever. He lives with his wife, Jenny, and their twins in Detroit.
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